Dear garden lovers,We know it’s been rather quiet around us the past months and it’s not easy for us to break the silence with a big announcement. After many years of searching & finding, staying & leaving, exploring & questioning, we have decided to conclude the project and to move on to new challenging adventures. Endings are never easy and often come with feelings of sorrow, but they leave us transformed by the wisdom we gained in experiencing them if we allow ourselves to move on and begin again anew.In order to honour the past years of musical & human encounters we want to invite you one last time to our garden for a very last dance among close friends and friendly strangers. And since we really want to take the time to do this in a proper setting, we are very delighted to announce that Buda Bxl will accomodate us for an extended indoor / outdoor - daytime / late evening gathering. We all hope to have you by our side to celebrate this ending which is (as all endings) only a step of a new beginning, a phase of an ongoing cycle of love, life & friendship. Never stop loving ♡ Your Brüxsel Jardin team