Rusan Filiztek & Tara Jaff vous proposent un concert de musique kurde!
Tara Jaff is a self-taught Kurdish musician originally from Halabja, Kurdistan of Iraq, and has been living in the UK since 1976. Over the years, she experimented with different string instruments but it was her fascination with the ancient harps of Mesopotamia, that led her to the contemporary Celtic harp. Embracing this instrument, she introduced it to Kurdish music, developing her own unique style of playing. She has given many performances mainly as a solo artist and occasionally with other musicians in different parts of the world. She has also collaborated with poets, painters and theatre groups in various projects and performances.
She released her first solo album , Dilley Dewanem (My Restless Heart) (KOM Muzik 2005) which was a collection of Kurdish folk songs from the Hawraman region. The second album Dialogue of Harp & Nay (Giftugoy Chang u Nay) was released in Tehran, Iran (Barbad Music 2012), an instrumental collaboration with Fardin Lahourpour on the Nay and Percussion and Somayeh Abbasi on the Tonbak.
Her last album ,Tembur & Harp, is a collaboration with renowned Kurdish musician and tembur player Cemil Qocgiri, released by Sony
Music, Istanbul 2015.
Tara’s music has featured in several films and documentaries about the Kurds. She has improvised live to the screening of the silent film Zare (Armenia 1926) at the London Kurdish Film Festival (2007), the IF Istanbul Independent Film Festival (2011) and the Kurdish Film Festival in Rome (2013).
She is also involved with the Reflection of Silence group with Adib Rostami (kemancheh) and Mehdi Rostami ( setar & shourangiz). Their debut concert was in 2014 in Kings Place, London.
Rusan FILIZTEK est un stranbej, ce qui désigne en Kurde le musicien et chanteur virtuose. À travers son instrument de prédilection, le saz, il conte des ballades, des louanges, des chants d'amour, de nostalgie, d'humour et de gaieté.
Il est l'initiateur de nombreux projets musicaux (festivals, concerts,...) et joue dans de nombreux groupes en Europe et en Moyen-Orient. Il a voyagé au Moyen-Orient pendant plusieurs années afin d'approfondir ses connaissances dans la musique et le chant Kurdes.
Depuis 2015, il est installé à Paris afin d'étudier à la Sorbonne 4 en master d'ethnomusicologie. En France, Il a été invité dans des festivals comme le Festival de l'imaginaire à l'institut du monde Arabe, le festival chant de marin avec un groupe Breton ( Kazut de Tyr), a joué dans un film de Tony Gatlif. Il participe aussi au projet européen de Jordi Savall « ORPHEUS XXI » qui a pour objectif de permettre l’intégration de musiciens professionnels réfugiés et de transmettre et partager leur culture.
Marie-Suzanne de Loye : Viole de gambe
Francois Aria : Guitare flamenca
Neset Kutas : Percussions
Emrah Kaptan : Contrebasse
Tarifs : 15€ en prévente et minima sociaux // 18€ sur place
Ouverture des portes à 19h30, bar et restauration sur place.
La Marbrerie
21 rue Alexis Lepère – 93100 Montreuil
tél. : 01 43 62 71 19
M° ligne 9 Mairie de Montreuil