FREE Event

CEA Liten invite you to the Liten Event, "New Solutions of Energy", a EU PVSEC Conference parallel event, on Tuesday 10 September from 5:45 pm to 8:30 pm, Exhibition Center, MARSEILLE.

This event will be an opportunity to unveil the Liten's strategy, its latest research, and to celebrate the Institute's 15th anniversary. Presentations will be followed by a networking cocktail reception.

Also, Liten will exhibit at the 36th edition of EU PVSEC September 9-13th, the leading international conference for photovoltaic research, technologies and innovation, in the French pavillon of the exhibition.


- Welcome: 5.45 pm - 6.00 pm

- Liten, Innovation for Energy Transition: 6 pm - 6.15 pm
Florence LAMBERT, CEO CEA Liten

- The energy revolution is coming : 6.15pm - 6.30 pm
Xavier DAVAL, CEO KiloWatsol

- PV In Europe - The New Era with SHJ Technology: 6.30 pm - 6.40 pm
Anis JOUINI, Head of Solar Technology Division, CEA Liten

- Smart Grid for the Integration of Renewable Generation: 6.40 pm - 6.50 pm
Franck BOURRY, Head of Intelligent Electrical System Laboratory, Solar Technology Division CEA Liten

- Energy Storage & Sector Coupling: 6.50 pm - 7 pm
Simon PERRAUD, Deputy Director, Research Funding Programs CEA Liten

- Circular Economy for Energy Transition: 7 pm - 7.10 pm
Chrystel DEGUET, Head of New Materials Division, CEA Liten

- Closing: 7.10 pm - 7.15 pm

- Cocktail & Networking: 7.15 pm - 8.30 pm

More information : or
First come, first served, early registration is recommended!