Registration closed on Monday 4 April 2022.

The GIANT Orientation day is the event for PhD students and junior scientists of the Grenoble area to meet their peers from other labs and discover the research going on in the GIANT Innovation campus institutes.

Join the GIANT Junior Ambassadors team on 12 April 2022 and let them guide you through the campus labs and facilities... and stand a chance to win some cool prizes and GIANT merch!

For the agenda

8:30am | Arrival of participants and welcome coffee (control of sanitary pass)
9:00am | Introduction by the GIANT Junior Ambassadors team
9:15am | Introduction of Charles-Clemens RĂ¼ling, Grenoble Ecole de Management
9:45am | Teambuilding activity
11:30am | GIANT contest time with nice prizes to win
12:15pm | Lunch
1:15pm | Departure for GIANT tour with visits of labs and institutes
4:30pm | End of the day

If you want to attend the GIANT tour in the afternoon, please select the appropriate group for visit.

Please note VACCINATION PASS is MANDATORY to attend the event.

We're looking forward to welcome you!