Mudam marks the final weekend of the collection display Mirror Mirror, with PARADES, a series of performances by Brussels- based artist Darius Dolatyari-Dolatdoust, taking place within the exhibition and interstitial spaces on all levels of the museum.


Darius Dolatyari-Dolatdoust (b. 1994, Chambéry, France) has presented works and live performances at Villa Noailles, Hyères, (2021); Critical Costume 2020, Oslo (2020); Centrale Fies, Dro (2020); Lottozero/textile laboratories, Prato (2019, 2017); Jeune Création, Paris (2019); La Maison des Ensembles, Paris (2019); with Nanna Rosenfeldt-Olsen, Copenhagen (2019). He lives and works in Brussels and Marseille.

Students, people with the carte Mudam à 2, carte Amis des Musées and Kulturpass can benefit from the reduced fee, but must bring a valid certificate with them.