A thematic essay is a type of writing that has a particular purpose. A thematic essay usually deals with a specific issue and makes use of literary techniques to explore that issue in-depth. Thematic essays are often associated with social or historical themes for help with writing paper. Typically, they highlight the main issue, present the author's findings and make recommendations for a better future. Thematic essays are a great choice for students who wish to explore various facets of society or culture. As such, they are graded based on a rubric.After drafting the essay, you will want to make the conclusion. A conclusion is not the same as the thesis statement; it should be a review of the information presented in the essay. It should reinforce the main claims and ideas you presented throughout the essay. It should also highlight the significance of the topic. If you need to make adjustments, this is the time to do so. You can also make adjustments to the thesis statement to satisfy your professor.A thematic essay can also reflect on sensitive social issues. However, you must be careful not to use loaded language when expressing your opinion. Rather, try to address every possible critical issue that comes to your mind while maintaining the focus on your central argument. In short, a thematic essay is a great way to reflect on social issues and show off your knowledge. It will earn you higher marks if you follow these basic guidelines. You'll be pleased with the results.