" IF WE CANT SEE EYE TO EYE let's Try HEART TO HEART" The founder.

Anay-foundation is a non-profit organization. which will focus on the initiatives of sustainable development in the social field, and economic empowerment. Unloking the human potential with love

I have witnessed poverty around the world;In this world of growing inequality, I am convinced that every family, every young person, must have the same opportunities. That’s why I decided to dedicate my life and my knowledge to achieve my dream of founding "Anay-Foundation" which promotes the social inclusion of vulnerable people by giving them the means to act"the things that motivate me to create my organization is the purpose of sharing my know-how and putting at the service of humanity"

لأكثر من 15 عاما، وأنا أسافر حول العالم، شهدت الفقر في جميع أنحاء العالم ؛في هذا العالم الذي يتزايد فيه عدم المساواة، أنا مقتنع بأن كل أسرة، كل شاب، يجب أن .تتاح له نفس الفرص. لهذا السبب قررت تكريس حياتي ومعرفت في تأسيس «مؤسسة التي تعزز الاندماج الاجتماعي للأشخاص الضعفاء من خلال منحهم الوسائل للعمل